Dangerous men.
As a child of the frozen north I repeatedly heard the story of the shack man. He was the man who took care of the shacks at the ice rinks where kids would go to warm up after an afternoon's skate. He'd open the shack and man the wood fueled stove. He also kidnapped children and did horrible things to them. At least that was the story that every child told over and over again as we shivered under our blankets at sleep overs and beamed flashlights into the shadows to dispel the image of shack man.
As adults, logically we all know that danger is not lurking in every stranger's eyes. Nope, he's out there but he's not the shack man who was more than likely a gentle grandfather who would have given his left arm to help any of us. And life is not a mine field of people out to get us - unless, of course you step into the world of romantic suspense.
So here goes, the other type of dangerous. This is my favourite type. He's dark and dangerous, lurking in the shadows to save the day and steal your heart. This guy is unfortunately, fictional. Not that this guy may not exist - girls don't give up your search just yet. But in fiction he's the guy who often makes an appearance in romantic suspense. He liquidates danger, captures the heroine's heart and carries her away to future bliss.
Danger, in the land of romantic suspense has many different faces.
Love the Knight in Shining Armor type!
The Shack Man would certainly be a scary person for children.
Thanks for the great post!
Mary Montague Sikes
Hi Mary - It was strange to remember how scared we could make ourselves - I'd forgotten the shack man stories until today and the word dangerous.
OK shack man seriously creeps me out, even now!! (But I'm admittedly a scared-susan!)
Hi Randi Lee - Wow the power of a story and one probably made up by an eight year old.
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