
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Work And I Love It!

It's the first Wednesday of the month and following the tradition that Alex Cavanaugh has began, here it is, the Insecure Writer's post:

Tonight's post was the proverbial pulling teeth.  I almost shoved the computer away and said that's it - I cave. 

But I didn't.

Sometimes writing is like that.  Every morning I set my alarm early - before the lights in other houses are on, even here far away from home,  I'm in front of my computer beginning the word count for the day.  Although word count, that's probably, no is, a misnomer.  I don't go for word count.  I learned a long time ago, that for me that's not an effective way to write.  It means extensive revisions that can spin a story out long after I write the end. 

Sometimes it's tough.  There are few people that understand what you're doing, why you are doing it or why your "little hobby" should be called anything but that, never mind work.  But you have to swim through all of that and just keep writing.  It's the only way to eventually make it in this business.

Once I dreamed success would mean the publisher of my dreams would publish my book, market me and put me on every bookstore shelf.  Now times have changed and the dream, well it's there but it's adapted.  I still want that original dream but right now success means getting published by small presses and alternative publishing.  It means promoting myself and extra hours at the computer to do that.  Yes, the publishing industry has changed but the dream is the same - writing success.  And despite all the advise out there, it really only boils down to one word for success - readers.

But to find readers I must write well and then promote what I've written.  But even time to write is difficult in a world where success and what you  do is judged by how much money comes in.  Under a certain bar and it's not considered work.  Interesting term, work.  Because if you don't have work attached to what you do, quantifying it as a gainful means of employment, then what you're doing is a hobby and no one can figure out why you can't stop everything to answer the phone or go for coffee or take grandma to her church bazaar or whatever. And sometimes those interruptions are valid for I will admit that what my work is, is flexible.  But because of that flexibility, often, long after everyone has had supper and settled down for the nightly sitcom, I'm back at the computer for a few more hours.

Sorry everyone, it is work.  I am busy.  I'm writing a story.  It's work and I love it!

Now excuse me - after a good days work, I believe it's time to enjoy what's left of a cool desert evening.

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Fatal Intent on sale now for .99 cents at online book stores.


Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations on being published! That is a great achievement, no matter how you look at it. I also love this post, because it is so truthful. I agree with you, not everyone understands that writing is work and people convince themselves that writers are lazy people that do nothing the whole day. Well, we know it's not true. You enjoy your writing and don't let anyone make you feel guilty. Best of luck.

Kim Van Sickler said...

We have to love it to put up with all the work and revisions and STILL no guarantee anyone will read what we think is AWESOME. But we believe in ourselves and hope for the readers to come once we put our final product out there.

I don't like to focus on word count much either. I focus on chapters. Keep enjoying the journey!
--December IWSG co-host

Ryshia Kennie said...

Hi Murees - Thanks for the extra validation. It always seems more real when you can share with others on the same journey. BTW - love your post on driving. I've been a bit lazy in that department too - haven't driven one inch of our current trip into the States. So I know a day back at the wheel, especially on the interstate, might be a "bit" stressful.

Kim - You're not kidding. If you actually sat down and quantified the amount of work in one novel, would we continue to do it? Of course! And word count - I joined Nanorimo a few years running and ended up with 60,000 words that took a very long time to revise. But it did teach me discipline and that was worth it.

DA Cairns said...

Well said, Ryshia. I know exactly how you feel.

Ryshia Kennie said...

Hi DA - And there's safety in numbers :)