Fall. That time when strangely, while the plants are dying and summer stuff is being put away, we're all rushing to begin new things, start new programs, make new commitments. With summer behind us, it's time to let go of the old. In a way, at least for me, I'm more enthused to commit to something new now than I am to make say, a New Year's Resolution. I know I'm for sure more apt to carry it out.
This year, it feels like there is only more and no new maybe because I haven't signed on for anything like a painting class. Wait, I don't paint. Instead there's a new story that is very close to moving from draft to first reader's hands. And then there's all my side projects related to books that are already published, some ideas I have for one in the middle... and the projects, well they add up.
I've been dodging the cleanup thing for quite some time, telling myself that I don't have time. But as I went through the long list of e-mails, many of which have no relevance to anything anymore, I found my place to begin. Time to forget about moving everything to a new folder where it can be promptly forgotten, it's time to dump - ruthlessly send to trash and then horrors, hit "empty trash."
Yep, it's time for fall cleanup. Let go of the old and grab onto some new. I'm ready to go forth and attack, but first... Wait, I think the living room walls need a wash down. Yep, I think I'll start there.
And some of those things I'm working on, I'll post them over on my website and on the sidebar here for any of you that are the least bit curious.
So, anything you're dodging this week?
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