
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Get Up And Go Got Up And Went

I'm feeling a little lazy or maybe that's just slightly unmotivated.  Still - yes I know - still!  I blame it all, as you already know on winter.  Everything is winter's fault.  Why?  Because everything has to be someone's fault, certainly not mine.  And who better than a non-person, a season.

Okay, silliness aside, my lack of motivation is a result of a combination of things.  The time of year for one - isn't exactly motivational.  The place where I'm at in one book - finishing final draft and wanting so badly to move on, but it's not quite there - yet.  The place where I'm at in my career, published but not where I want to be - yet.  My latest rejection.  Blah blah blah.  But you see where I'm going - straight into a completely uncalled for pity party.

Then motivation ran over me, peeled me off the sidewalk, dusted me off and told me to get a life.  There are worse things then a rejection letter and not enough time for everything you want to write.  Besides, as my agent assured me, there were good things in that letter - and there were.  But it was a friend of mine who sent a text out of the blue to say how much I inspire her that really got my attention.   Me inspire her?

She's a journeyman carpenter chosen as one of a select few to go to Rome for a built heritage conservation course.  It was an opportunity of a lifetime that ran against all odds and I won't go into it - you can check it all out here.  Running in circles to get ready for imminent departure for a three-month move to Rome, she still found time to send me that text.   Now that's motivation.  I don't think I can match that but I'm definitely re-energized and back in the game.  Besides it's the Year of the Dragon - doesn't that mean good things are around the corner?

What re-energizes you in the depths or winter or are you reading this while sipping a margarita and putting on sunscreen?

Here's something to cheer up anyone in need of a little winter lift.  I'm a Reader Not a Writer is holding a thank you give away.  Click anywhere here to head over for the details on how you can win a $50 Amazon Gift Card or $50 in Books from the Book Depository.

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Jeremy Bates said...

Thanks for your post, it was interesting and compelling.

Ryshia Kennie said...

Hi Jeremy - thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am interested in reviewing any/allof your romances for my blog. Here's my blog:

If your interested, I would love to hear from you at

Thank you!