
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Vacation is Trickling Away - Now What?

Sometimes in life and in writing you just need a little vacation.  So a trip to Arizona had me thinking that I'd get plenty of writing done by the pool.  Note to self - the pool is not for writing, it's for relaxing, play and yes - even exercise.  It's not for work.  Besides, I heard that laptops and water don't mix.  No - that's just a theory, not a proven experiment.

But speaking of motivation, the trip home is very motivating.  It has me longing for the warm little cocoon of my basement office where temperatures are steady.  And outside they are steady too - below zero and freezing yes but not like the roads on the way home, before we reach the winter hardened ranges and prairie of the last leg of this trek where the snow has more than likely settled for the winter - and that has its own set of issues.  But here, as we head out of Arizona and into, and through, New Mexico, temperatures are hovering at a little above zero with rain and then a slide below that zero mark creating in places, treacherous mountain roads.  Yes, don't like the drive home much for the fear of what weather might be lurking around the corner.  I'm hoping for the upside as that finicky weather man or woman has promised, that the weather for the remainder of the trip might be fine.

Or - like today, it might go from sun and flip flops to mountain roads lined with snow laden trees in less than two hours.  Yes, that picture was today's view as we left the sun behind.  In an odd way, it all reminds me of a romantic suspense.  A couple falling in love and then everything turns upside down - sun to snow, for the characters, they are rough, potentially dangerous patches that they must negotiate in order to have their happy ever after.

Winter travel and characters aside, I'm enjoying my last days of vacation with a few more adventures.  Tonight it was a taste of alligator in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

As vacation days slide away and real life beckons, I'll be celebrating the release of my latest romantic suspense, Legacy of Fear, as 2014 winds down and 2015 begins.  Check out my website, I'll be updating it soon with details.
