
Monday, September 23, 2024

Not Quite the Last Days of Summer!

Yep, autumn began a few days ago but this week has the promise of a lingering summer. It began today, I admit - cooler temps. But, the weatherman is promising a margarita weather type day for the rest of the week. I'm not holding my breath. Instead, I'm enjoying the week.

First up - I hauled out my roller blades. Yep - hauled, there can be no better word for they were buried in the storage room after more years than I want to admit of stagnation. So with some trepidation I pulled them on and tottered off. Soon, the old spring in the blades came back and I went not once but twice around the neighbourhood. And yes - for you safety conscious, I should have strapped on the helmet. But all was time...yep, there's a next year - fingers crossed.

Meantime, I'm looking forward to the next "end of summer" adventure.

And while I do that, my latest heroine, Jorie, has just received a message from the hero - Justice.
Her reaction, or more appropriate - thoughts, immediately after his text?

What a name to go through life with. It was off-putting.

Of course, with a murderer on the prowl in this story - who was named what for why is the least of their worries.


The adventure begins today!

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