
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Buckle Up - It's Romance

Sometimes life is just hard.  I've heard a different variation of that statement many times from different people and in many ways.   And it's true, sometimes life is more an endurance test, a marathon run than a sprint.  And there's not much we can do about many of life's bumps and jolts.  The only thing we can do is buckle up and cushion ourselves for the ride.

That's where romance comes in.  We all want to believe in the intrinsic good of mankind even when the nightly news is showing us exactly the opposite.  We'd prefer to believe that there's a chivalrous knight available for every lady in distress.   And that for every knight whose dropped his sword in battle, there's a lady ready to pick up a sword and have his back.  Bear with me, my latest venture into the publishing world, "Ring of Desire", seems to have thrown me temporarily into medieval times.

Anyway, back to romance.  Romance is many things but I also think it is the balm for life's difficulties.  Even if we currently don't have that special someone, there are few of us that don't just feel good after watching one of the epic romances.  And while some of us might not sigh and say "wasn't that romantic",  I bet you have that feel good feeling. 

Romance - love it or leave it?

I'm blogging at the Manic Readers today, February 3.  Click here to come on over and check out  my version of "Isn't it romantic" and give me yours!  

Ring of Desire
From the Dust

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