
Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Thousand Words or Just a Picture

Today I couldn't help myself - a bit of news surfaced that had me thinking again about travel and the dreaded passport photo.

Just the other day I read that a woman was released after three months in a foreign country having not even made it past the custom's checkpoint.


Her passport picture didn't look like her!

Not look like the passport picture? Does anyone? And from a vanity perspective - who would want to!? Of course soon electronics will take care of all that doubt as we're put on the electronic leash of the scanners. Stuff that I think looks better in the realm of fiction than in life.

It's enough to make one quit traveling - not!

And on a totally contradictory note, just the other day a friend told me her passport picture looked good and even the customs officer had commented on it. Go figure!

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Coming to bookstores soon - Ring of Desire, 2009
A medieval fantasy steeped in history. A heroine faced with the ultimate choice, immortality or mortal love.

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